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Here you can get an overview of the possibilities Sitelife offers you.

Sitelife is a web application that allows you to upload and view 3D models of your construction projects (Building Information Models) and map complex workflows based on these models. You can share your projects and models with your company's employees as well as grant external people full or partial access to them.

There are currently two modules in Sitelife:


In some places in the application you will find a book icon. If you click on it, you will be taken directly to the related entry in the documentation.

The Different Users of the Construction Report

Sitelfie offers options for multiple kinds of workers.

  • Project managers are able to create projects and upload models with our Revit addin. In addition, a project manager can adjust project-wide settings and assign specific trades and roles to the different users.

  • Foremen & Co are able to create daily reports for their respective trade , provide information and enter the construction progress directly on the model.

  • Viewers are observers and are able to see the entire construction progress in the model, but have no possibility to create daily reports themselves or make any changes to construction elements.

  • Control bodies act as construction supervisors, verifying the daily reports created by the other users. As long as daily reports have not been confirmed by all assigned control bodies, they remain "preliminary" or "pre-print" versions. Only after full confirmation, they are final and the file can be locked.


We encourage you to use the feedback button to inform us about any errors that may occur, or requests, which you may have at any time.

Where to Begin?

To ease you into using Sitelife we provide you with a extensive dokcumentation.

You are also able to use the search bar to quickly look up topics in our documentation.